Myron L KCl-180 Conductivity/TDS Standard Solution, Quart Bottle (32 Oz)
- KCl-180 Conductivity/TDS standard solution
- (1) Quart Bottle
Type | 442 ™ | NaCl | KCl |
ppm | ppm | Microsiemens | |
KCl-180 | 116.5 | 85.2 | 180 |
All Myron L handheld instruments are factory-calibrated with NIST traceable Standard Solutions with specific conductivity/ppm values. Myron L Company Standard Solutions are made under strictly controlled conditions using reagent-grade salts. These salts are mixed with deionized water having a resistivity of at least 5 megohms-cm purity.
Myron L Company Standard Solutions have an accuracy of +/-1% based on values published in the International Critical Tables and traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technologies.
The conductivity Standard Solutions and pH buffers listed below are used for factory calibration. Regular use of these solutions is recommended to ensure specified instrument accuracy. The frequency of conductivity recalibration depends upon use, but once every month should be sufficient for an instrument used daily.
Myron L conductivity instruments and monitor/controllers are calibrated to read in ppm/442, ppm/NaCl, or microsiemens. All three values are listed on the Standard Solutions. The relationship among these standards can be seen in the table and graphs that follow.
442 Natural Water™ Standard Solution is used in calibrating many Myron L Instruments. It is the best choice when measuring boiler and cooling water samples, city water supply, lakes, wells, etc. "442" refers to the combination of salts mixed with deionized water to comprise this standard: 40% sodium sulfate, 40% sodium bicarbonate, 20% sodium chloride. A combination of salts is necessary since natural water salt type and concentration can vary greatly by location.
NaCl Standard Solution is offered to calibrate instruments that measure any sample that is predominately NaCl (sodium chloride), such as seawater, brackish water, etc. As can be seen in the graph, 1000 ppm of NaCl has a conductivity of 2000 micromhos. Note how this 1:2 relationship is continuously variable throughout the curve and decreases as NaCl increases.
KCl Standard Solution is used to calibrate conductivity instruments that read directly in microsiemens (micromhos) or millisiemens (1000 microsiemens). KCl (potassium chloride) is a very stable salt and is an international calibration standard for conductivity measurement.